Transforming lives through exchange: An insightful journey with Tony Chien

Mr Tony Chien, BA (Hons) Philosophy Graduate of 2017, shared his inspiring and transformative journey with Lingnan Link. Tony’s story, from his semester exchange programme at J. F. Oberlin University (JFOU) in Japan to the fulfilling career that he went on to establish there, is a testament to the life-changing potential of student exchange programmes. With over five years of professional experience under his belt, Tony reflects on the experiences that shaped his path and led to his rewarding career. 

How did your exchange experience at JFOU shape your career path, and what lessons did you learn from this experience?

The semester exchange at JFOU in 2016 played a decisive role in shaping my career direction, providing me with invaluable insights that triggered a life-altering transformation. Despite my background in philosophy, which is traditionally viewed as an unconventional stepping stone to a career abroad, the exchange programme revealed the potential of carving out a professional path in Japan. Living in Japan for four months acted as a trial run, bolstering my confidence for building a life and career there. This decision ultimately proved to be one of the most rewarding choices I have ever made. The experience taught me the importance of clearly defining my goals and aspirations, as was necessary in the process of applying for the exchange programme, to successfully grasp new opportunities.

Tony (left) conducting his daily office duties as part of his regular work routine.

Tony (left) conducting his daily office duties as part of his regular work routine.

Tony (middle) enjoying a lively welcome party during his time as an exchange student at JFOU.

Can you share with us what working at JFOU entailed, and any memorable experiences from your time there?

As the coordinator for the exchange programmes at the Office of International Programmes at JFOU, my role involved managing all of the activities associated with incoming exchange students. This included visa documentation, orientation session organisation, and coordination of international exchange activities. I received exceptional support during my time as an exchange student at JFOU, and those experiences motivated me to take on this role and create similarly impactful and unforgettable experiences for other students. One standout memory from my time working with exchange students in Japan is the Yamanakako Camp held every November. Despite the challenges of organising this event, particularly amid the COVID-19 pandemic, for the more than 150 students who spent the night at a campsite, my determination was unwavering, and I was driven by my own positive experiences of this camp. Witnessing the smiles of the participating students and receiving their gratitude was incredibly satisfying and served as a powerful reminder of the significant impact of my work, reinforcing my passion for my role.

You organised the Sakura Science Programme for Lingnan students. Can you briefly describe your role? How did JFOU and Lingnan students benefit from participating in this Programme?

With financial support from the Japan Science and Technology Agency, I facilitated this joint initiative to foster exchange in science and technology between JFOU and Lingnan in 2022–23. As a graduate of Lingnan, I had the privilege of designing this Programme based on my personal interests, which included 3DCG anime. I played a pivotal role in developing the seven-day Sakura Science Programme from scratch, securing a professor to be the instructor, and planning inspiring field trips that provided the 10 Lingnan students with enriching experiences. They gained insights into the professional world of anime production, thus enhancing their understanding of the industry. The overwhelmingly positive feedback confirmed the Programme’s success. The tailored Sakura Science Programme is one that promoted institutional collaborations and allowed for innovation in both universities.


Group photo of the Yamanakako Camp, where Tony was one of the hosts.

Tony (left) leading Sakura Science Programme students from Lingnan on an excursion to Akihabara,where they got a taste of Tokyo’s vibrant pop culture scene.

What do you hope to achieve through promoting student exchange programmes between JFOU and Lingnan, and how do you see these contributing to the overall mission of both universities?

My goal in promoting student exchange programmes between JFOU and Lingnan is to give our students a broader global perspective while sticking to the principles of liberal arts education. These programmes enable students to gain a more comprehensive view of their studies, improve their critical thinking skills, enhance their communication, and develop their problem-solving abilities, all of which are crucial in our rapidly changing world. As a Hong Kong native living in Japan, I hope that these programmes will help Hong Kong students form a more realistic and positive impression of Japan, while Japanese students can gain a deeper understanding of Hong Kong. Student exchange programmes plays a vital role in achieving these goals by fostering strong bonds between institutions and promoting cultural exchange, leading to a more interconnected world.

What advice would you give Lingnan students interested in taking advantage of exchange opportunities in Japan, so they can make the most of their exchange experience?

For Lingnan students considering exchange opportunities in Japan, I would offer them some practical advice. I encourage them to invest time in practising the Japanese language as extensively as possible before arriving in Japan. While it is not a must to have prior knowledge of Japanese, even a basic understanding of the language can help students to fully immerse themselves in the culture and form local friendships. Personally, passing the N2 level of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test before my visit greatly enhanced my experience and helped me better understand the culture. Furthermore, I suggest stepping out of one’s comfort zone and actively engaging with locals, even if it may feel awkward initially. While it is natural to gravitate towards friends from the same country, reaching out to locals provides more opportunities to practise the language and gain a deeper cultural understanding.

Finally, what advice would you give to students considering participating in student exchange programmes generally, and how can such programmes help them grow both personally and professionally?

I would like to recommend to all students to take the leap and participate in student exchange programmes. As the Japanese saying goes, “心は熱く、頭は冷静に,” which means “Keep your heart passionate and your mind calm”. It is important to take the time to plan meticulously and complete all necessary paperwork diligently to ensure a smooth and enjoyable journey. Exchange programmes offer a unique opportunity to expand one’s horizons, gain a deeper understanding of the world, and discover oneself in a new environment. These programmes have the potential to uncover hidden passions and career paths, as they did for me when I discovered my desire to work in Japan, ultimately shaping my career. Tony’s journey is truly inspirational for students considering student exchange programmes and demonstrates the immense potential of these programmes to broaden horizons and transform lives. His experiences highlight the value of cultural exchange, fostering strong partnerships between institutions and promoting a more interconnected world. Tony continues to provide students with life-changing experiences through his work, thus exemplifying the power of exchange programmes in shaping personal and professional growth.