Lingnan’s new leadership: Promoting excellence in liberal arts education for the digital age

Lingnan has undergone exciting institutional developments in the 202324 academic year, with the appointment of Prof S. Joe Qin as President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science. Prof Qin’s aim is to take Lingnan’s liberal arts education to the next level of excellence in the digital age. Lingnan is on a mission to build on its tradition and become a leading modern liberal arts research university. Lingnan is transforming its approach to better embrace the ongoing process of digitalisation. It aims to provide students with a more comprehensive liberal arts offering that can improve their employability, and to become more research-driven.

Prof Qin’s vision includes developing digital learning and integrating data science tools into the curriculum. Both faculty and students will then be better prepared for the impact of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI). Lingnan recognises the vital role of technology in education, research, and community engagement, and is thus integrating cutting-edge technologies and innovative pedagogies into its curricula. Lingnan strives to create a community of lifelong learners who can become adaptable, creative, and ethical leaders in the digital age.


Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science (Second from the right back row) at the Installation of the President Ceremony held on 2 November 2023.

School of Data Science Establishment Ceremony, 2 May 2024.

To support this vision, Lingnan established its sixth school, the School of Data Science (SDS), in May 2024. The school consists of three divisions: the Division of Artificial Intelligence, the Division of Industrial Data Science, and the LEO Dr David P. Chan Institute of Data Science. The numerous high-quality programmes offered range from bachelor’s degrees to PhDs and aim to equip students with AI literacy and critical thinking skills, so they can effectively collaborate and co-exist with AI. The SDS focuses on first-class interdisciplinary education and training, research, and industry partnerships, and offers a comprehensive curriculum covering fundamental principles and essential skills such as programming, statistics, and machine learning. The curriculum is designed to meet dynamic market needs by providing interdisciplinary hands-on experience and project-based learning, in which skills are applied to real-world datasets. The SDS also promotes collaborative, cross-disciplinary research projects that involve data science, analytics, machine learning, and AI expertise to address critical challenges in various domains. Lingnan is therefore preparing its graduates to address global challenges and make a positive impact on society by leveraging the power of technology and fostering a culture of innovation.

Prof Qin is also keen to strengthen Lingnan’s connections with the Greater Bay Area (GBA) through collaborations with universities, industries, governments, and civil society in the region. We take pride in our distinct values and contributions as a liberal arts institution in Hong Kong and recognise the importance of developing broader perspectives through cross-cultural and interdisciplinary dialogue and exchanges. Our strategic location enables us to be a bridge between China and the world, which presents us with the valuable opportunity to capitalise on our strengths and contribute to the region’s development.

New senior management appointments at Lingnan aim to support these strategic initiatives. These include Prof Xin Yao, the new Vice-President for Research and Innovation, Prof Raymond Hon Fu Chan as Vice-President (Academics) cum Provost, and Prof Sam Kwong Tak Wu, the new Associate Vice-President (Strategic Research) and Chair Professor of Computational Intelligence. These appointments contribute to Lingnan’s robust team, which helps to strengthen collaborations with local, mainland, and international partners. More details about the Office of the President are available at