Lingnan University Forum–The New Era of Data Science and AI: Challenges and Opportunities for School Graduates

This forum was successfully held on 26 and 27 March 2024. Lingnan University Forum–The New Era of Data Science and AI: Challenges and Opportunities for School Graduates was attended by high school principals and counsellors from nine countries including mainland China, India, Indonesia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Thailand, and Vietnam. Over 30 high schools participated in this truly international event. The forum offered a unique opportunity for the attendees to explore Lingnan’s distinctive liberal arts education, engage with our dedicated faculty members and administrators, and interact with our current students and alumni.

Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science, delivered a warm welcoming speech to the high school principals and counsellors, which was followed by the keynote speech. Prof Qin emphasised the importance of liberal arts research education in today’s rapidly changing and uncertain world. As technological developments such as AI and automation are transforming industries, liberal arts education remains crucial, as it prepares individuals to effectively navigate these technologies.

 Prof Leonard K Cheng, President (left), exchanging souvenirs with Professor Judith Phillips, Deputy Principal (Research) of the University of Stirling (right), during Prof Cheng’s visit to the UK.

Prof S. Joe Qin, President and Wai Kee Kau Chair Professor of Data Science, delivering his welcome and keynote speech: The New Era of Data Science and AI–Challenges and Opportunities for School Graduates.

Prof Joshua Mok Ka-ho, Vice-President (right), signing a memorandum of understanding with Prof Charlotte Clarke, Executive Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Health of Durham University in the UK (left).

Group photograph.

The forum featured representatives from various faculties, programmes, and units who introduced their respective programmes to the participants, and one Vietnamese student representative shared her own memorable academic and co-curricular experiences of her studies at Lingnan. The participants also enjoyed a campus tour, which provided them with a comprehensive understanding of Lingnan’s approach to liberal arts education and how it helps students achieve lifelong success.

Visit to Lingnan University Jockey Club Gerontech-X Lab and library during the campus tour.