Honouring Chinese traditions: Lantern-making and painting workshops

At Lingnan, we value and celebrate cultural diversity, and strive to create a strong sense of community among our students. In honour of the Mid-Autumn Festival, exchange students arriving in the first term of 2023–24 were invited to participate in some of the traditional Chinese rituals and activities of this important holiday.

Over 20 exchange students discovered the art of hand-crafted bamboo lanterns by joining a lantern-making workshop, and created their own colourful and intricate pieces. They learnt about the cultural significance of lanterns in Chinese culture, and how they symbolise family reunion and hope for the future.

Lantern-making workshop in Term 1 of 2023–24.


Another 25 exchange students participated in a traditional Chinese painting workshop. They were introduced to typical Chinese art motifs, such as goldfish and flowers, and they learnt about the history and techniques of Chinese painting. The students created their own unique pieces, through which they gained an initial understanding and appreciation of this unique art form.

These workshops provided our incoming exchange students with a wonderful opportunity to immerse themselves in Chinese culture and traditions. They were able to learn new skills, express their creativity, and meaningfully connect with locals. These experiences can inspire our students to continue to explore and appreciate cultural diversity in their future endeavours.

Chinese painting workshop in Term 1 of 2023–24.