Celebrating the Year of the Dragon: Calligraphy and paper-cutting workshops

The Chinese New Year is a time of festivity and tradition, and in Term 2 of 2023–24 our incoming exchange students were given the opportunity to participate in various local customs. One of the most popular traditions during this time is fai chun writing, which are messages of good fortune written on red paper with black ink. To learn more about this practice, the students took part in a calligraphy workshop where they were taught the basics of Chinese calligraphy and the fundamentals of writing Chinese characters. Their newfound skills were then put to the test as they embarked on their calligraphy journey, creating their own fai chun to celebrate the Year of the Dragon.

Chinese New Year fai chun workshop in Term 2 of 2023–24.


Others participated in a traditional Chinese paper-cutting workshop. The students were given a brief introduction to the history and significance of paper cutting in China, which for centuries has been a form of decoration used in religious ceremonies and festivals. They were then shown how to create designs by making intricate cuts and patterns in the paper with scissors. The students were also given tips on how to create their own designs and could practice their skills on their own.

This workshop was not only a fun experience through which the students could express their artistic skills but it also gave them a deeper appreciation of the art and culture of China. Through these workshops, our exchange students were able to learn more about the traditions and customs of the Chinese New Year, and meaningfully participate in the celebrations.

Chinese paper-cutting workshop in Term 2 of 2023–24.