Internationalisation strategy under the Belt and Road Policy

To support student mobility between Hong Kong and the Asian and Eastern European countries in the Belt and Road (B&R) regions, the OGE aims to encourage Lingnan students to move out of their comfort zones and explore these regions.

Lingnan subsidised 20 students to participate in a two-week winter school programme in Korea in 2023, organised by Hanyang University and Korea University, in which they studied and experienced Korean culture. Three other students participated in an academic writing programme organised by Tallinn University in Estonia. Other groups of students joined cultural tours in mainland China, organised by Nanjing University, Northeast Normal University, Shanghai International Studies University, Shanghai International Studies University, and Shaoguan University.

In the summer of 2024, over 25 students visited Korea to attend the summer schools offered by Dongguk University, Hanyang University, Kyung Hee University, Seoul National University, and Yonsei University, allowing them to explore various academic fields in international classroom settings. Over 10 students attended the two-week summer schools offered by the University of Hradec Králové in the Czech Republic and Vytautas Magnus University in Lithuania. They were able to experience these specific cultures and took courses in business, language, and cultural studies. In addition, 19 students joined academic or cultural immersion programmes in various regions of mainland China. The University Grant Committee also subsidised 15 students who took part in a B&R Study Tour in Bangkok, Thailand in May 2024. They enrolled in an introductory Thai culture and language class, and in cooking and Thai boxing classes, arranged by Mahidol University International College in Thailand.


Group photograph of the B&R Study Tour to Bangkok, Thailand.

In addition to those who participated in the short 2023–24 winter and summer programmes, 60 students spent exchange semesters in the B&R countries of Austria, mainland China, the Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Italy, Korea, Lithuania, Poland, Slovenia, and Thailand. These B&R region exchanges provided the Lingnan students with unique learning experiences, increased their cross-cultural awareness, and encouraged their international outlook and ability to thrive in a globalised world.

Miss Alina Rahman Nudrath, a fourth-year BBA Marketing student, shared her unforgettable exchange experience at Sookmyung Women’s University in Korea in Term 1 of the 2023–24 year. Korea was a dream destination for Alina, and her exchange experience helped her learn more about the country and its people. She began to learn the Korean language before embarking on her visit, thus laying a solid foundation for her trip.

Through the exchange programme, Alina improved her Korean language skills, and thus gained confidence in navigating this unfamiliar country, where unlike in Hong Kong, much information is not translated into English. In terms of personal development, meeting people from all over the world strengthened her interpersonal skills. This changed her whole outlook, and she became more adventurous, more financially responsible, and healthier.

Alina’s exchange experience therefore exceeded her expectations, providing her with unforgettable memories and experiences that will help her navigate her future. She believes that these cultural experiences and her newly acquired skills will have long-term benefits for her career, as they will make her an attractive candidate to employees. Her exchange was not just about academic learning and language acquisition but also about immersing herself in a new culture, trying new things, and making lifelong friendships. These experiences have enriched her life in countless ways.


Miss Alina Rahman Nudrath (right) wearing traditional hanboks during her visit to Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul.


Miss Nudrath Alina Rahman (left) and her Korean roommate enjoying their time at an amusement park in Seoul during Christmas.